Profitability With No Boundaries:

Optimizing TOC, Lean, Six Sigma Results - iTLSBOK: Body Of Knowledge

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The book deals with the details of “how” and “why” and is directed at those responsible for implementing iTLS. Any professional responsible for making significant contributions to the performance of their firm or organization could benefit from application of iTLS. You will find that your performance results will improve quickly and tangibly. Positive results include improved customers’ experiences, increased throughput, reduced costs, and better leadership. We believe we know the core problem that caused previous improvement approaches to fail and are concerned that this obstacle will impair current efforts. We also know that when TOC, Lean, and Six Sigma (iTLS) are combined in a unique fashion results improve dramatically. A scientifically conducted study in the United States showed that iTLS projects produced more than four times the benefits of either Lean or Six Sigma projects. Subsequent experiences in other countries have produced even greater benefits. We have had an opportunity to implement iTLS in 15 countries in a variety of operations, including discrete and transactional environments, with phenomenal success. The resulting benefits include significant improvements in quality, productivity, and profitability. We also have developed an understanding of how these internal improvements can be further leveraged to increase sales, market share, and profits.

Profitability With No Boundaries:

Executive Edition & Leadership Summary

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This book is geared to senior decision makers—those who decide “if ” their company should adopt an iTLS approach. Readers who would like more depth on any section may benefit from the iTLSBOK (iTLS Body Of Knowledge) book, which deals with the details of “how” and is directed at those responsible for implementing iTLS. The global position of American industry has been eroding for several decades. Efforts to stem this erosion, such as total quality management (TQM), Theory of Constraints (TOC), Lean, and Six Sigma, have not always been successful and have even been counterproductive. He addresses a tested and robust solution that has revitalized our industries effectively and simply. It involves a unique integration of the Theory of Constraints (TOC), Lean, and Six Sigma methodologies, known as iTLS. The financial and other benefits of applying TOC, Lean, and Six Sigma together are significantly larger than applying the techniques separately.

Profitability With No Boundary: Optimizing Lean, Six Sigma, TOC results

Successful businesses, like anything, have distinct codes and patterns.  When translated and used correctly they can quickly optimize the results of any organization.  Profitability with No Boundaries (series) examines the proven techniques and critical elements used in successful businesses over the past century.


iTLS-ISO™ Group® has conducted hundreds of field tests and developed a proven track record while also leaving clients with what they have called, “Miraculous Results.”


Profitability with No Boundaries book series was written to illustrate why an efficient, profitable organization is no accident, but is instead a calculation by design.  The formulas in this book, when followed, are proven to quickly produce your ideal organization.